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How to Treat Prostatitis
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It is anti-prostatitic medicine developed by YOUNGDO Korean-Medicine Clinic.
☞ It is very effective against prostatitis.
(Premium) Si-Won-Kwae-Tong-Tang was given to prostatitis patients three times a day for three months. As a result, they showed remarkable results in reduced frequency of urination, the level of pains, and the frequency of sexual intercourse.
☞ It is free from adverse effects.
High-quality medicinal ingredients, such as ‘Suk-Ji-Hwang (the root of Adhesive Rehmannia)’ and ‘San-Yak (Sevenlobed Yam)’, are prescribed for patients in consideration of symptoms. Thus, it is free from the overdose of antibiotics.
☞Prostatitis can be fundamentally treated.
The organs related to the prostate, such as the liver, the kidneys and the urinary bladder, are treated with the internal remedy rather than external treatment, and thus prostatitis can be fundamentally treated and it hardly reoccurs.
☞ Prostatitis can be treated by taking herbal medicine alone.
Prostatitis can be treated by taking only herbal medicine, and so patients need not visit  the clinic frequently. However, vacuum cupping therapy, acupuncture, and moxibustion hastens recovery.

How to Take

Take the stove heated-up pack (do not microwave) three times a day (in the morning, afternoon and evening), within 30 minutes before each meal.

Foods and Beverages to Avoid

Overly sweet, salty, oily, or spicy foods.
Alcoholic drinks (alcohol greatly exasperates symptoms)
Coffee, soda, and anything with caffeine

Other Directions

1) Keep your body warm and do moderate exercise while taking the medicine.  The best kind of exercise is an hour of fast pace walking a day.  Heavy weight lifting or running may be too much for the body to handle during the recovery process.
2) If you have loose bowels, take the medicine within 30 minutes after each meal.

How to Keep

1) Put the medicine in the refrigerator.
2) The medicine will last 3 months in the refrigerator.

YOUNGDO Korean-Medicine Clinic
3rd Floor,SinHanYanng Bldg. 665-6 Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-897, Korea
copyright by 2003, youngdo. all rights reserve.